What after CA?


What after CA? 


Are you a CA Final November 2023 student or a qualified CA who is wondering what to do next? Do you want to explore the different career paths and opportunities that are available for you? Do you want to learn from the experiences and insights of successful CAs who have made their mark in various fields and domains?


If yes, then you are invited to join us for an exclusive and interactive webinar. In this webinar, you will get to hear from four eminent speakers who have pursued different professions after CA and have achieved remarkable success and recognition in their respective fields. They will share their stories, challenges, learnings, and tips on how to choose and excel in your desired career after CA.

Date and Time

Sunday, 19th November 2023 

11 AM to 1 PM IS


Who is this webinar for?

This webinar is for anyone who is interested in knowing the various options and possibilities after CA -  

  • CA Final November 2023 student
  • Qualified CA after 2021
  • Or a seasoned professional who is looking for a change or a growth in your career, 


This webinar will help you discover the best fit for you based on your skills, interests, goals, and aspirations.

What will you learn in the webinar?

In this webinar, you will learn:


- The pros and cons of different career options after CA, such as practice, job, startup, teaching, etc.

- The skills and competencies required for each profession, and how to acquire and enhance them.

- The scope and growth potential of each field, and the current and future trends and opportunities in the market.

- The best practices and strategies to succeed in your chosen career, such as how to crack interviews, how to network, how to negotiate, how to manage your time and money, etc.

- How to decide what to do in the future, based on your passion, purpose, and potential.


As a bonus, you will also get:


- A chance to ask your questions and doubts to the speakers during the Q&A session.

- A certificate of participation from KAGR, which you can add to your resume and LinkedIn profile.

- A free access to KAGR's online community, where you can connect and interact with other CAs and students who are interested in exploring new avenues and opportunities after CA.


Problems after completing CA

Many CAs face the following problems after completing their CA:


- They are confused and unsure about what to do next, and what career path to choose.

- They are dissatisfied and unhappy with their current job or profession, and feel stuck and stagnant in their career.

- They are unable to find a job or profession that matches their skills, interests, and goals.

- They are unable to cope with the competition and pressure in the market, and feel stressed and overwhelmed.

- They are unable to balance their personal and professional life, and feel exhausted and burned out.


If you are facing any of these problems, or want to avoid them in the future, then this webinar is for you!


Checklist of aspirations of CAs making them opt for this webinar

You should opt for this webinar if you have any of these aspirations as a CA:


- You want to explore the different career options and opportunities after CA, and find the best fit for you.

- You want to learn from the experiences and insights of successful CAs who have pursued different professions after CA, and have achieved remarkable success and recognition in their respective fields.

- You want to develop and enhance your skills and competencies for your desired profession, and stand out from the crowd.

- You want to grow and excel in your chosen career, and reach your full potential.

- You want to decide what to do in the future, based on your passion, purpose, and potential.




The speakers for the webinar are:


- Moksh Bandi - CA in Practice (Partner, JC Kabra)

- Sanmati Pande - CA as Startup Founder (Founder, Growfitter)

- Manthan Rawat- CA in Job (Ambit, Investment Banking)

- Shubham Singhal - CA in Teaching


Each speaker will talk about their daily work profile, how they decide to do what they are doing now full time, how they crack interviews, unit economics of each business/profession, challenges that they faced and most importantly, how to decide what to do in the future. You will also get a chance to ask your questions and doubts to the speakers during the Q&A session.



After attending the webinar, you will receive a certificate of participation from KAGR, which you can add to your resume and LinkedIn profile. The certificate will be sent to you via email after successfully attending the webinar.



Here are some frequently asked questions about the webinar:


- Q: How can I register for the webinar?

- A: You can register for the webinar by filling this [form]. The webinar link will be sent to you via email after registration.


- Q: How much does it cost to attend the webinar?

- A: The webinar is free of cost. You just need to register and join the webinar link at the scheduled time.


- Q: What are the technical requirements to attend the webinar?

- A: You will need a stable internet connection, a laptop or a smartphone, and a headset or earphones to attend the webinar. You will also need to download and install the Zoom app on your device.


- Q: Can I ask questions to the speakers during the webinar?

- A: Yes, you can ask your questions and doubts to the speakers during the Q&A session. You can also type your questions in the chat box during the webinar.


- Q: Will the webinar be recorded and available later?

- A: Yes, the webinar will be recorded and available later on KAGR's website and YouTube channel. You can also access the webinar slides and other resources after the webinar.


- Q: How can I contact KAGR for any queries or feedback?

- A: You can contact KAGR by emailing us at info@kagr.club or by calling us at +91 91379 79582. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more updates and information.