CAs Beyond Audit and Tax

Validity : 6 months

CAs Beyond Audit and Tax


Date: Sunday, 26th November 2023  

Time: 10 AM to 12 Noon IST  

Location: Online


Are you at a crossroads, contemplating your next career move? If the question of what lies beyond CA has been on your mind, then our upcoming webinar is just for you. Join us as we delve into the diverse and rewarding world of finance, with a focus on Private Equity (PE), Venture Capital (VC), Investment Banking (IB), and Consulting.


Who is this webinar for?

This webinar caters to:

- CA Final November 2023 students

- CAs who qualified after 2021

- Seasoned professionals seeking career change or growth


We aim to guide you in discovering the best-fit career path based on your unique skills, interests, goals, and aspirations.


What will you learn?

Embark on a learning journey where you'll gain insights into:

- The nuances, advantages, and challenges of careers in PE, VC, IB, and consulting.

- Essential skills and competencies required for success in each profession, along with strategies to acquire and enhance them.

- An exploration of the scope, growth potential, and current/future trends in each field, helping you make informed decisions.

- Best practices and strategies to excel in your chosen career, covering interview techniques, networking tips, negotiation skills, time management, and more.

- Decision-making guidance to align your future with your passion, purpose, and potential.



As a participant, you're entitled to:

- Engage in a Q&A session with our distinguished speakers.

- Receive a certificate of participation from KAGR, enhancing your resume and LinkedIn profile.

- Enjoy complimentary access to KAGR's vibrant online community, fostering connections with fellow CAs and students interested in exploring new career avenues.


Problems Addressed

We understand the challenges post-CA completion, including:

- Confusion about selecting the right career path.

- Dissatisfaction or feeling stagnant in your current job.

- Difficulty finding a job matching your skills and aspirations.

- Coping with market competition and pressure.

- Balancing personal and professional life, often leading to burnout.


Checklist of Aspirations

Opt for this webinar if you:

- Aspire to explore various finance career options post-CA.

- Seek valuable insights from successful finance professionals.

- Aim to develop and enhance skills for your desired profession.

- Desire growth and excellence in your chosen career.

- Need guidance to make informed decisions about your future career path.



Our lineup of distinguished speakers includes:

1. Simran Somani - Bain & Company (Consulting)

2. Naman Kejriwal - Escape Velocity (Venture Capital)

3. Rahul Golani - Spark Capital (Investment Banking)

4. Shreyansh Agrawal - Samara Capital


Upon attending the webinar, receive a certificate of participation from KAGR, serving as a valuable addition to your professional credentials.



Curious minds often have questions. Here are some FAQs answered for you:

- Q: How to Register? 

  A: Fill out the form. The webinar link will be emailed to you after registration.


- Q: Cost to Attend? 

  A: The webinar is free. Just register and join at the scheduled time.


- Q: Technical Requirements? 

 A: Ensure a stable internet connection, a laptop/smartphone, and a headset/earphones. Don't forget to download and install the Zoom app.


-Q: Can I Ask Questions?

A: Absolutely! Feel free to ask your questions and share doubts during the Q&A session or through the chat box.


- Q: Will it be Recorded?  

A: Yes, the webinar will be recorded and available later on KAGR's website and YouTube channel. You can also access the webinar slides and additional resources post-event.


- Q: How can I contact KAGR for any queries or feedback?

- A: You can contact KAGR by emailing us at or by calling us at +91 91379 79582. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more updates and information.


Don't miss this opportunity to embark on an exciting exploration of finance careers! Join us and let's unlock new possibilities together! 🚀✨